Updated: June 2, 2024

Ethnicity Scholarships

The Pew Research Center reported that the foreign-born population living in the USA has increased rapidly within the last several years. By 2025, this group is estimated to reach a record of almost 15 percent of the population. Even today, there has been an increase in minority and ethnic student college enrollment. Acknowledging this trend, Scholarships.com offers a variety of different scholarships to students of different ethnic backgrounds, race, and legal status. Whether you are of Asian descent or Native American origin, there are specific organizations, schools and unions dedicated to helping fund your college education. Criteria for ethnic-based scholarships varies - while some may require you to have been born in another country, others may only require you to have a mom or dad of that heritage. Don't forget that ethnicity may not be the only criteria required for winning a scholarship - you may need to have a certain GPA or set of extracurricular or community involvement. Your family heritage is valuable and having an ethnic background can help you earn more money towards your college education.

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 Ethnicity Scholarships with Approaching Deadlines

Since the U.S. is a melting pot of multiculturalism, there are plentiful scholarships that honor diverse ethnicity. Some scholarships may be broader regionally while others may be available to a specific country or region. Additionally, there may be scholarships offered to a specific ethnic group within a specific state. Different ethnicities may encompass different races, which further diversifies certain individuals. To see what scholarships you qualify for based on your ethnicity, conduct a scholarship search and check out some of our ethnic-based scholarships.